Shrink hoods for pallets

The shrink hood for pallets manufactured by Plásticos Reca is a reference solution for pallet wraps in the market.

It consists of a coil tube for automatic palletisation processes and shrinking, high in strength with UV and antistatic treatments.

Shrink Hood (Tubo elástico)

Shrink hoods advantages

  • Wide variety of widths and thicknesses
  • Highly resistant to tears and punctures
  • Gripping strength according to needs
  • Technical advice during the project

Technical specifications

  • Antistatic treatment
  • Anti-UV treatment
  • Printable
  • High strength
film para embalar pallets Shrink Hood
plastico para envolver palets - tubo paletizador retractil
plastico para embalar palets - Plásticos Reca

Stretch Hood

Stretch hoods for palletisation with excellent mechanical and optical properties in a wide range of formats.

 The stretch hood is a great technological advance in solutions for wrapping pallets. It does not require a heat source, a great advantage for all our customers. 


Adaptable to a wide variety of machines.

Stretch Hood (Tubo extensible)

Stretch hood advantages

We manufacture formats for a wide range of pallets.

​Pallet cover films

For covering the upper part of pallets manually or with an automatic machine.